Welcome to the Salinas Police Department’s Online Police Reporting system. The purpose of this site is to allow Salinas residents to file a report online without having to come into the police department. This website should never be used to report an emergency, a crime in progress, or any type of injury. Once you file a report, a temporary incident number will be assigned until the report is reviewed. Once approved, you will receive an actual incident number and have the ability to print a copy for your records. You must have a valid email.
For emergencies, call 9-1-1. Any situation requiring a police officer, call 831-758-7321. The Anonymous tip line should not be used to report any emergencies or request police assistance. Filing a false police report is a crime.
This online reporting system CANNOT be used if:
An emergency exists. (Dial 9-1-1)
The crime / loss / incident occurred outside the city limits of Salinas, Ca.
The incident involves:
- Violent Crime (assault, kidnapping, robbery)
- Hate Crime
- Sex Crime (rape or sexual assault)
- Lost/stolen plates
- Stolen Vehicle
- Domestic Violence
- Traffic Accident/Hit and Run with Injury
To file any of the following types of report, select “File a Report”
Hit and Run
Crime Tip
Harassing Phone Calls
Lost Property
Identity Theft / Fraud
Non-Injury Traffic Accident
Police Employee Commendation
Police Employee Complaints
Theft from Vehicle
To report these types of incidents please use our Salinas Connect App.
Abandoned Vehicles
Barking Dog
Graffiti Abatement
Street Light Out